

A lesson plan with resources looking at how the tudors lived, how their houses were made, what artefacts they used, and how to recreate a Tudor toy – download

Resources: Ball & Cup image (Doc), Ball & Cup instructions (Doc), ‘Tudor activities’ (Doc), ‘Tudor artefacts’ (Pdf), ‘Greensleeves’ music )mp3), ‘Tudors’ slide file (PPt), question mapping file (XML)

For use with: Visualiser, Audience Response System

I always like to make history practical, so comparing toys, like we did, & making a simple Tudor style ball & cup game worked on lots of levels. The visualiser was a big part of the lessons (the children really got into it so it went beyond the original plans). & the Text & Drop facility on the ClassComm got everybody involved!


Light Quiz

Quiz activity for Class Comm Audience Response System – download


Leaf Study

A practical investigation into leaf types and their characteristics using the Visualiser’s zoom & split screen function to aid observations – download

Resources: Lesson outline & resource sheets (Doc), found leaves

For use with: Visualiser

The Visualiser has been a great incentive for hands-on investigations – with the leaves that the children collected they loved to use the fantastic zoom on the Genee Visualiser to see almost microscopic detail. We even saw minute bugs that the children would otherwise missed. The zoom & split screen really help improve observational drawing and comparison activities.


India Size and Location Quiz

Quiz activity for Class Comm Audience Response System – download


Herons Formula Quiz

Quiz activity for Class Comm Audience Response System – download


Friction Quiz

Quiz activity for Class Comm Audience Response System – download


Force and Pressure Quiz

Quiz activity for Class Comm Audience Response System – download



A set of 9 Egypt based slides – download

Resources: ‘Egypt’ slide file (PPt), question mapping file (XML)

For use with: Audience Response System

These slides were a way of introducing ClassComm to our Year 3s, hence the introductory slides before a change of question type (I can copy & save them for use these again for other quizzes). This was an interesting way to end our topic, especially with the Likert question where the children can give their opinions about the Egyptians. Next topic I will start & end with a quiz to see how the children have learnt!

P.S. The Egyptian artefacts we borrowed were amazing under the visualiser.


Drainage Quiz

Quiz activity for Class Comm Audience Response System – download



A set of 5 quick-fire comprehension question slides based on a short descriptive passage – a fun way to revise for SATs! – download

Resources: ‘Dogs’ passage (Doc), ‘Dogs’ slide file (PPt), question mapping file (XML)

For use with: Audience Response System

This is one of a very simple set of slides I used in the lead up to SATs as a way of adding some fun, but also for speeding up response times!

It was also useful for showing up the types of questions that we needed to think hardest about.